
3 Days - Between 2-4°C (35-40°F)

Freezing is possible

Unit of Measure

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  • 390 g Abinao 85%
  • 130 g Sugar
  • 300 g Whipping cream
  • 75 g Egg yolks
  • 900 g Whipping cream

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For g


Make a dry caramel with a frothy texture. Deglaze the caramel by adding the smaller portion of cream, which you have heated in advance.

Pour it over the egg yolks, stirring and cook at 84°C (185°F) as you would for a Crème Anglaise.

Add the rehydrated gelatin if necessary.

Gradually pour over the melted chocolate, stirring to form a smooth emulsion.

Immediately mix using an immersion blender to make a perfect emulsion.

Stabilize the emulsion if necessary by adding cream whipped to the texture of a mousse.

Before you add it to the airy whipped cream, check your chocolate’s temperature: 40-43°C (105-110°F) for white and blond-colored chocolates, 42-45°C (110-115°F) for milk chocolates and 52-55°C (125-130°F) for dark chocolates.

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